Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is becoming very common for Indian magazines to write satires about US , their economy, imperialism and culture and even their presidents in one page and writing something pro-Islamic on the other page. Is this trend fair ? Who is friend to India ? US or Muslims ?

US is the worlds biggest democratic country. India is the biggest in paper, but when it comes to human rights, human personal space, liberation US is THE DEMOCRATIC. Ever a layman can sue a police constable in India? In US it is possible. Can a Indian Chief minister illegally marry several women? yes. we know they have done it. No.. Nay...Not possible in US. Few months back, In Malasia, building a temple in a land bought by Hindus, was stopped by some fundamentalist groups. Such will never happen in US. US is true democratic, truly liberated country. Indian magazines worry that US pushes army to Afghanistan and middle east. But do they know, if US stops serving in Afghan, in a month, a thousand terrorists will be jobless and infiltrate from Afghan into Indian border most likely into Kashmir. There is no other country in this world that helps India, more than US. Still magazines write badly about US? WHY ?

Islam is one of the religions in India. Muslims are Indian citizens like Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and several others and they are not superior to another. But most of the magazines write about Muslims in a pitiable manner somehow attempting to create sympathy. Commonly found are : Poverty among Muslims, Unemployment among Muslims, prejudice, their sacrifice for our nation, suppression on Muslim and how all these make a 'terrorist' from a 'good Muslim'. Also plan to convert them back to 'good citizens' are already implemented as effective laws : Reservations in Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges, Law schools, etc etc etc. Gift them further with Scholarship ( how else one poor muslim will be able to come out with flying colors just with a seat for him in University?) . For non-students ? Fund them Loans for their business. For older citizens ? Fund $1000 for their Haj Travel. This ideas will just work as nicely as they have been working in Kashmir for last 30 years which calls for separation now.

Wait... give me a minute... I saw few faces in the same magazines cover.. yes, It was ex. President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam... and previous Indian youths' religions' captain (sorry Crickets captain ) Mohammed Azaruddhin.. and Sharuk Khan, Salman Khan... A.R.Rehman.... and... Are these not Muslims?

The fact is : Muslims are living safer and successful in India, than in any other Islamic nation. They have more rights in India. India is so flexible for them : They can marry four women, while a Hindu can marry one. They have better opportunities in Govt, Schools and everywhere possible. There are well educated Muslims, Working as Judges in apex court of India, leading India in politics, Surgeons, small businesses, Industries, sports . They are Indians and We should respect them, love them. They should join in Indian river as a stream and run along with us flourishing the riverbed. Not against the great Indian river. It is DUTY of our magazines to explain the Muslims that they are our people, they are doing well and the put fact straight: India is giving them great opportunities. But the magazines never seem to do that. Rather they stimulate and help astray the innocent minds of Islamic citizens. WHY ?

I don't know the answer... but seems to me that, even our Indian history itself puts all wrong. History books always write that Gandhi is father of India, Mohd. Ali Jinnah is father of Pakistan. Please write it plain truth in our school books : Mohd. Ali Jinnah was against Indian Independence since he did not want a non-muslim to rule a country consisting of muslim people or whatever reason. He openly called for havoc unless partition. He challenged, planned and executed mass murder and rape that affected millions of Hindus until agreed for partition. Why our history teachers won't teach this in classes?

Looking at US at same time, 70 years back : US presidents are great. Lincoln is considered as the greatest ruler ever lived on the earth. But there is one greater than him from India's perspective : Franklin D Roosevelt, one of the greatest presidents of US, helped India to get independence. He forced Winston Churchill to sign a pact, that British should free their colonies and give independence, for US to help them in WWII ; And we know the biggest colony of Britain is 'British India'. Mr. Roosevelt, could have just said 'well Mr.Churchill, just forgo all the claims on our land, India is not my business'. He did not. He had higher purpose that is rare among Indian leaders. He spoke for colonies too. However, Roosevelt did not secure any good to India. He gave up and agreed Winston Churchill's stance. i.e. The independence is applicable to Whites and Middle east. No white should be slave of others. When it comes to Africans or Indian, ok.. ups and downs are common.. thou shalt be slaves..

Why our history books in school don't say at least Roosevelt had a better interest than Jinnah?

I think it was Nehru and Rajendra Prasad who controlled these publications. They screwed up everything.. There is no point in repenting on spilled milk. But we can clean it. We should send petitions to education minister to teach truth, true history on our books. That will not humiliate any religion. It will make them remember the truth that they were not victims and mould them as good citizens acknowleging the past. We have to tell them all those Muslims stayed in India are good patriots and we love each other. At the young minds, we have to etch and ensure that they will never be astrayed by fundamentalist preachings. We should make all Indian children to be patriotic and responsible.

-Kargil Jay